Religiosity, spirituality, and quality of life in cancer patients: a literature review



This study intends to investigate how cancer affects one’s quality of life in the context of religion and
spirituality using bibliometric analysis. Keyword-specific publishing trends are analyzed based on a
search on the Scopus database. In total, 406 documents were considered in the final analysis. The review
of the available literature focused on six primary themes: religion, spirituality, coping, depression,
quality of life, optimism. Following that, a thorough examination of these cancer-related topics was
conducted. As a result, spirituality, religion, and optimism paved the way for cancer therapy.


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How to Cite

Gull M, Kaur S. Religiosity, spirituality, and quality of life in cancer patients: a literature review. Rev. bioét.(Impr.). [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];32. Available from: